Friday, 31 May 2019

‘Recipes’ to Reuse Packaging - Part 1

I recently had a chat with someone who wondered how useful the Reuse Centre is to a person who "doesn’t craft”. It's an honest question from a conscientious person and one that I simply had to share because reuse is for EVERYONE! 

        So, if you...
a) DO NOT know how or lack the equipment or time to sew - "There was no Home Economics class at my high school. "
b) Get anxious at the thought of pulling out a glue gun - "I’ve burnt my fingers too many times to count!"
c) Have more DIY disasters than successes - I’ll save these for future posts😏
d) All of the above
     ...Then look no further! 

Courtesy of Giphy

Craft skills are NOT needed to reuse packages for their original purpose; we save valuable resources from travelling to a landfill or piling up at a recycling facility when we use them again in our own home. 

Step 1:
Next time you finish with a laundry soap bottle and are ready to put it in the recycle - STOP! Instead, keep it to refill with some homemade laundry soap!

Step 2:
Gather these 3 easy-to-find and reasonably-priced ingredients from your local grocer. A Sunlight soap bar (or natural alternative, if preferred), Borax, and Washing Soda.

BONUS: Take the Environment Week challenge and bike or walk to get these ingredients!

Step 3: 
Follow the recipe below to cook up some fresh-smelling laundry soap that does triple duty: it saves your socks from stinking, saves money, and is an easy way to reduce excessive packaging waste.

 One batch filled 4 bottles (more than 8L of soap)! 

Here is the recipe:

Other craft-free ways to reuse plastic packages:
  • Mesh bags from produce can be reused to buy your bulk produce items next time you're shopping. Visit us at Reuse Centre if you need some.

Simply cross out UPC codes and put them in your reusable grocery bag to have handy for next time you buy bulk produce items - no need for film plastic.
Want to read more about an effort to Reuse packaging?  Loop is partnering with some large companies to sell their products in refillable containers.

So you see, Reuse is for EVERYONE and the Reuse Centre has practical items that are ready to be reused by you, no glue gun nor glitter required! We would love to hear your " recipes " for refilling containers and ideas to reuse packaging in the comments section below.

Photos and Submission by Andrea (Staff)